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Available to watch now, a Quantum Week webinar exploring new applications of quantum sensors

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This webinar will introduce Focus on Quantum Sensors for New-Physics Discoveries as published in the IOP Publishing journal, Quantum Science and Technology. Extraordinary progress in quantum sensors and technologies opens new avenues for exploring the universe and testing the assumptions forming the basis of modern physics.

This focus issue is a next-decade roadmap on developing a wide range of quantum sensors and new technologies towards discoveries of new physics. The webinar will also briefly introduce new opportunities for fundamental physics studies with quantum sensors in space, which are a part of the forthcoming Focus Issue on Cold Atoms in Space, also published in Quantum Science and Technology.

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Dmitry Budker leads the Matter-Antimatter Section of the Helmholtz Institute Mainz. He is also a university professor at the Johannes Gutenberg University and a professor of graduate school at the University of California at Berkeley. His research interests span several subfields of physics. He is a (co-)author of more than 400 publications, including review papers and three textbooks. Budker is a co-recipient of the 2021 Erwin Schrödinger Award for work in zero- to ultralow-field nuclear magnetic resonance and the recipient of the 2021 Norman F Ramsey Prize in Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics, and in Precision Tests of Fundamental Laws and Symmetries.

Marianna S Safronova obtained a PhD in physics from the University of Notre Dame, USA. She is a professor of physics at the University of Delaware, USA. Her diverse research interests include applications of quantum technologies to search for physics beyond the standard model of elementary particles and fields, development of atomic and nuclear clocks and their applications, ultra-cold atoms and quantum information, studies of fundamental symmetries, dark matter searches, quantum many-body theory and development of high-precision relativistic atomic codes, development of the online atomic data portal, highly charged ions, superheavy atoms, and other topics. She is a fellow of the American Physical Society and the 2018–2019 chair of the American Physical Society Division of the Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. She was a member of the Committee on a Decadal Assessment and Outlook Report on Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Science (AMO2020), National Academy of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine. She is a member of the Quantum Science and Technology journal editorial board.

Speaker relationship with IOP Publishing

Marianna S Safronova is an editorial board member for the IOP Publishing journal Quantum Science and Technology, 2021 Impact Factor 6.568, 2021 CiteScore 11.5.



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