Stephen Hawking boycotts high-profile Israeli conference
The latest physicist to become embroiled in academic boycotts concerning Israel
The latest physicist to become embroiled in academic boycotts concerning Israel
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Excerpts from the Red Folder
Edward Frenkel's love letter to the mathematics that captivates him is "a book to read to be inspired to learn maths," writes reviewer William Gasarch
Dan Falk asks if anything unites the many Jewish successful physicists of the 20th century
A multifaceted portrait of scientific life in the Soviet Union, reviewed by Asif Siddiqi
Physics World's humour column has a serious side, too
A novel about general relativity and a book about Sherlock Holmes's scientific side, reviewed by Margaret Harris
Books on bubble physics, quantum exiles and arty photos of particle accelerators, reviewed by Margaret Harris
Robert P Crease reflects on the US Capitol’s invasion from a unique perspective