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Vacuum and cryogenics

Vacuum and cryogenics

Bluefors launches its next-generation gas handling system and control software

11 Apr 2024 Sponsored by Bluefors

Bluefors has developed a new gas handling system, with an emphasis on safe and reliable operation, to improve the user experience

In this short video filmed at the 2024 March Meeting of the American Physical Society in Minneapolis, Minnesota, Erkki Soininen, product director at Bluefors, introduces its newly developed gas handling system and control software.

Headquartered in Finland and with local offices in the US, Germany and Japan, Bluefors makes cryogenic measurement systems for use in quantum technology, ultralow-temperature research and other industries such as life sciences and clean energy.

As Soininen explains, the new-generation gas handling system has seen a redesign of both the hardware and software to make it safer, more reliable and easier to use. He adds how it uses the latest generation of pumps and sensors and is also more modular than previous designs – with a booster unit that can be floor- or ceiling-mounted or integrated directly into the core unit.

The system includes an option for a fully automated cool down plus a new, automated fast-sample exchange unit. It’s also been designed and tested to comply with all relevant safety and electromagnetic requirements.

Soininen points out how Bluefors recently integrated its Cryomech PT 310 pulse tube into its dilution refrigerator measurement systems to improve cooling performance. In February, it launched a new microwave read-out module with a built-in travelling wave parametric amplifier. And this spring, Bluefors launched its new Cryomech NMR single helium reliquefier, to support helium recovery for the nuclear magnetic resonance community.

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