The first calls for proposals for the European Union's fifth framework programme of research and development will be issued in February and March. The budget for the four-year programme has finally been agreed as ECU 14.96 billion, an increase of 4.6 percent over the fourth framework.
The fifth framework will focus on four main themes: quality of life and management of living systems (ECU 2.413 bn); the user-friendly information society (ECU 3.6 bn); competitive and sustainable growth (ECU 2.705 bn); and energy, environment and sustainable development (ECU 2.125 bn). Its three other main activities are: confirming the international role of community research (ECU 475m); promotion of innovation, encouragement of small and medium-sized enterprises (ECU 363m); and improving human research potential (ECU 1.28 bn). Some ECU 858 m will be available for postdoctoral researchers under the last of the activities. Fusion research will receive a further ECU 700 m.