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Finding silicon’s Holy Grail at long last, how to recognize and prevent ‘publication misconduct’

25 Mar 2021 Hamish Johnston

This episode of the Physics World Weekly podcast features an interview with the physics PhD student Elham Fadaly, who is a runner-up for 2020 Nanotechnology Young Researcher Award for making an important breakthrough in semiconductor technology. Indeed, that breakthrough was finding the Holy Grail of optoelectronics: a silicon-based material that is an efficient emitter of light. Fadaly chats about her semiconductor research and plans for the future with Physics World‘s Tami Freeman.

Then, we delve into lurid world of publication misconduct with our guide Kim Eggleton, who is tasked with maintaining the trustworthiness of research published by Institute of Physics Publishing. Eggleton explains why some researchers are tempted to inflate their publication records using scams such as buying authorships on papers and peer-review manipulation. She also explains what IOP Publishing is doing to detect and prevent misconduct – including a Peer Review Excellence training and certification programme for reviewers.

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