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Mathematics and computation

Mathematics and computation

How to build an artificial brain, future is bright for hybrid perovskite solar cells

26 Aug 2021 Hamish Johnston

The human brain can do tasks such as image recognition much more efficiently than a computer. This is why Kwabena Boahen is developing an electronic architecture called Neurogrid, which mimics how our brains process information. In this episode of the Physics World Weekly podcast, the Stanford University researcher explains how he and his colleagues are blending analogue and digital technologies to create neuromorphic computers of the future.

The speed at which global solar-energy capacity has increased over the past two decades is astonishing and a testament to the hard work and innovation of scientists such as Giulia Grancini at the University of Pavia. The chemical physicist explains why her current research is focussed on hybrid perovskite materials, which show great promise for the next generation of solar panels.

This podcast also looks at some of the special holiday-themed content on Physics World, including a feature article about the physics of rollercoasters.

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