ZEPLIN-III lies deep in Boulby mine, Northeast England
By James Dacey
Lurking quietly in the bowels of Europe’s second deepest mine, ZEPLIN-III will come alive this month as it resumes its search for that mysterious substance called dark matter.
I recently caught up with Alex Murphy, leader of the University of Edinburgh’s contribution to the project.
Sitting in a cafe that resembled a fishtank, Murphy explained to me at length why he has placed his faith in dark matter. He also described the form he imagines this substance should take, and why he believes that ZEPLIN is now in prime position to make the first internationally-recognized detection of dark matter… possibly within months!
We wrapped things up by chatting about the aspects of his job that he loves and the aspects that he hates, as well as how he deals with the rivalry in the international search for dark matter.
You can read the full interview here.