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Particle and nuclear

Nuclear shapes revealed in high-energy collisions

19 Nov 2024
RHIC collisions
Heavy collisions Artist’s impression charged particle tracks streaming from a collision of two uranium nuclei overlaid on a sketch of the STAR detector at RHIC. The incoming uranium nuclei are shown contracted along the beam direction to illustrate that they are travelling close to the speed of light. (Courtesy: Chunjian Zhang/Fudan University and Jiangyong Jia/Stony Brook University)

In a groundbreaking study, scientists in the STAR Collaboration have unveiled a pioneering method for investigating the shapes of atomic nuclei by colliding them at near light-speed in particle accelerators like the Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) and the Large Hadron Collider (LHC). Their innovative approach offers unprecedented insight into nuclear structure and promises to deepen our understanding of strong nuclear forces and their role in the composition of neutron stars and the evolution of the early universe.

Understanding the properties of nuclei is daunting, largely due to the complexities of quantum chromodynamics (QCD), the fundamental theory governing the strong interaction. Calculations in QCD are notoriously difficult at low relative velocities, typical for nucleons within nuclei. Given these challenges, experimental methods in this area are even more crucial than usual.

Historically, scientists relied on two primary techniques to study nuclear shapes. The first involves exciting a nucleus to a higher energy state, often by colliding it with a fixed target. By measuring how long it takes the nucleus to return to its ground state, researchers can gather information about its shape. However, this relaxation process unfolds over much longer timescales than typical nuclear interactions, thus providing only an averaged image of the nucleus and missing finer details.

Another popular method is to bombard nuclei with high-energy electrons, analysing the scattering data to infer structural details. However, this technique only reveals localized properties of the nucleus, falling short in capturing the overall shape, which depends on the coordinated movement of nucleons across the entire nucleus.

Smashing nuclei

The STAR collaboration’s approach circumvents these limitations by smashing nuclei together at extremely high energies and analysing the collision products. Since these high-energy collisions occur on timescales much shorter than typical nuclear processes, the new method promises a more detailed snapshot of nuclear shape.

When two nuclei collide at near-light speeds, they annihilate, turning into an expanding ball of plasma made of quarks and gluons – which are the fundamental building blocks of nuclear matter. This plasma lasts only about 1023 s before forming thousands of new composite particles, which are then caught by detectors. By studying the speeds and angles at which these particles are ejected, scientists can infer the shape of the colliding nuclei.

“You cannot image the same nuclei again and again because you destroy them in the collision,” explains Jiangyong Jia, a professor at Stony Brook University and one of lead authors of a paper describing the study. “But by looking at the whole collection of images from many different collisions, scientists can reconstruct the subtle properties of the 3D structure of the smashed nuclei.”

Verifying the results

To verify the reliability of this method, STAR researchers compared their findings with those obtained through established techniques on nuclei with well-known shapes. Specifically, they analysed two types of head-on collisions. These were gold–gold collisions, involving slightly oblate (flattened sphere) gold nuclei; and uranium–uranium collisions, featuring highly prolate (elongated sphere) uranium nuclei. The shapes of these nuclei are well-documented, providing benchmarks for assessing the accuracy of the high-energy approach.

The results from both types of collisions aligned remarkably well with established findings, validating the precision of this high-energy method.

Paul Garrett, who is at Canada’s University of Guelph and was not involved in the research, tells Physics World, “The fact that the high-energy collisions occur over an extraordinarily short time scale – effectively capturing the nucleus with the equivalent of an extremely high-speed camera – opens possibilities for us to see the effects of fluctuations in the nuclear shape that are very difficult to determine using low-energy probes”.

Future directions

The initial success of this new method paves the way for more extensive applications, especially with nuclei whose shapes are not as well understood. The high-energy approach holds potential for exploring finer details beyond the basic prolate or oblate characterizations. For example, it could reveal complex triaxial shapes or capture rapid, transient fluctuations in soft nuclei, offering unprecedented insights into the dynamic interactions among nucleons.

Moreover, this technique could enhance our understanding of the quark–gluon plasma, a state of matter not only produced in high-energy particle collisions but also found in the cores of neutron stars and in the universe’s earliest moments. During that primordial phase, temperatures were so extreme that protons and neutrons could not form, leaving all strongly interacting matter in a quark-gluon state.

“Indeed, I think this study is the tip of the iceberg of what the technique can do, and will ultimately be one of the groundbreaking studies in nuclear physics,” said Garrett. “Sitting on the border of traditional nuclear physics and high-energy physics, it will bring the communities together and clearly demonstrates that we have much to learn from each other.”

The research is described in Nature.

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