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Our top videos of the year

19 Dec 2011

With its wonderful imagery and passionate researchers, physics is the perfect subject for video. Since releasing our first video interview in 2009, now offers a steady stream of short films covering a broad range of topics – be it cutting-edge research, the history of physics or interviews with high-profile scientists. Here is a selection of our best films released in 2011, in no particular order


The hunt for the elusive Higgs

Never underestimate the power of a good science demonstration. Some of the most celebrated science communicators – such as Richard Feynman, Carl Sagan and more recently Brian Cox – are incredibly good at explaining academic research using simple, everyday concepts. But while a few lucky people seem to be naturally adept at coming up with nifty demonstrations, most educators can always pick up some tips from the professionals. This film investigates how simple but effective demonstrations can breathe life into science education. It was recorded at the 2011 annual conference of the Association for Science Education, a UK-based organization that has been has been supporting teachers and science educators since 1900.

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