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Transport properties

Single molecules pass doping test

12 Mar 2004 Isabelle Dumé

Physicists in the US have moved a step closer to controlling the electronic properties of individual molecules in a condensed matter environment. Michael Crommie and colleagues at the University of California at Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory have demonstrated a new way to “dope” single carbon-60 molecules with potassium atoms. The team says its method is the molecular equivalent of the n-type doping that is widely used in the semiconductor industry (R Yamachika et al. 2004 Sciencexpress 1095069).

Figure 1

The doping of materials with atoms that accept or donate electrons, and therefore modify the electronic behaviour of the material, plays a crucial role in semiconductor electronics. Crommie and colleagues have now applied this idea to the fullerenes — molecules that consist of 60 carbon atoms arranged in a spherical shell (figure 1).

The Berkeley team used a scanning tunnelling microscope to drag a carbon-60 molecule over a silver surface containing potassium atoms. They found that they could attach an arbitrary number of potassium atoms to a single molecule. Each potassium atom donates a well-defined number of electrons to the molecule and so allows the electronic structure of the resulting potassium-fullerene complex to be controlled (figure 2). The process can be reversed by simply moving the structures back over the surface, where impurities – such as oxygen – can remove the potassium atoms one by one.

“Previously only extended monolayers and bulk crystals of carbon-60 have been modified through alkali metal adsorption,” Crommie told PhysicsWeb. “Our work opens a completely new regime by showing that it is possible to controllably dope a single, isolated molecule. This puts us in the unique position of knowing and controlling precisely how many dopant atoms are attached to a specific molecule.”

The team now hopes to extend its technique to more complex molecules and other dopant atoms. “We expect that our paper will inspire a whole new class of experiments on new and exciting nanostructured systems,” added Crommie.

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