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Striking with precision: how I put my planning ego aside

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Available to watch now, Elekta explores the planning of simple and complex Gamma Knife cases

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Elekta webinar 2020-07-16This webinar will explore the nuances of planning simple and complex Gamma Knife cases using inverse planning tools and metrics. Radiosurgical planning and pre-planning can have a significant impact on the clinical decision-making process.

Often the knowledge that one has the ability to deliver the required dose to the target while protecting critical structures can eliminate the need for an open procedure.

Optimizing both planning time and delivery time, these tools and techniques can greatly improve the patient experience. Modern inverse planning software can optimize multiple objectives at the same time making complex dose plans possible.

The webinar presented by Dheerendra Prasad will cover:

  • Identifing key treatment planning.
  • Learning how to evaluate dose.
  • Learning hybrid forward-planning and optimization.
  • An introduction to total inverse planning.

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Dheerendra Prasad is director of the Gamma Knife Center and professor of oncology, neurosurgery and radiation medicine at Roswell Park Cancer Institute, Buffalo, New York, USA. He is an international expert in the field of gamma knife radiosurgery and has treated more than 10,000 patients in a career spanning more than 30 years. He has written several journal articles, books and book chapters, and contributed to many research studies in this field.

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