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Diversity and inclusion

The Bell Burnell Graduate Scholarship Fund, quantum theory and the philosophy of physics

21 Mar 2019 James Dacey

In this episode of Physics World Weekly, we’re joined by Jocelyn Bell Burnell, who explains her motivations for providing the money for a new student scholarship fund. The British astrophysicist, who co-discovered radio pulsars in 1967, donated all $3m of her Breakthrough Prize to launch the Bell Burnell Graduate Scholarship Fund. Aimed at students from underrepresented  groups studying PhDs in physics, the fund will be administered by the Institute of Physics (which publishes Physics World).

Later in the podcast, our general physics editor Hamish Johnston is in conversation with a couple of attendees at an event at the University of Birmingham affiliated with the Intercontinental Academia (ICA). Misha Smolkin speaks about his interdisciplinary approach to uniting quantum field theory, quantum information and quantum gravity. While philosopher of physics Al Wilson speaks about what physicists stand to gain from developing an appreciation for the philosophy of science.

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