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Nuclear fusion

Nuclear fusion

Zap Energy targets fusion power without magnets, Claudia de Rham on the beauty of gravity

25 Jul 2024 Hamish Johnston

Our first guest in this episode of the Physics World Weekly podcast is Derek Sutherland, who is head of FuZE-Q physics at the US-based company Zap Energy. He explains how the US-based firm is designing a fusion system that does not rely on magnets, cryogenics or high-powered lasers to generate energy. We also chat about the small-scale fusion industry in general, and about career opportunities for physicists in the sector.

This episode also features an interview with theoretical physicist and author Claudia de Rham. She talks to Physics World’s Matin Durrani about her new popular-science book The Beauty of Falling. They also chat about her research, which addresses a range of fundamental problems associated with gravity – from quantum to cosmological scales.

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This episode is supported by Pfeiffer Vacuum. The company provides all types of vacuum equipment, including hybrid and magnetically-levitated turbopumps, leak detectors and analysis equipment, as well as vacuum chambers and systems. You can explore all of its products on the Pfeiffer Vacuum website.

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