Read article: Atoms store 2D images for record time Ultrafast science Research update Atoms store 2D images for record time Laser conjures up ghostly numbers
Read article: Magic cluster rules for hydrogen storage Structure and dynamics Research update Magic cluster rules for hydrogen storage Physicists predict "magic" ratios of atoms in clusters
Ultrafast science Research update Laser technique could help redefine the kelvin New method hones in on Boltzmann constant
Structure and dynamics Research update NMR gets seriously small Spinning coil probes nanolitre solids
Read article: European X-ray laser gets the go ahead Ultrafast science Research update European X-ray laser gets the go ahead Funding in place for construction to start early next year
Ultracold matter Research update Optical lattices could give insight into QCD Physicists find analogy between cold atoms and quarks
Read article: Fibonacci spirals in nature could be stress-related Structure and dynamics Research update Fibonacci spirals in nature could be stress-related Spiral's formation is related to J J Thomson problem, say physicists
Read article: Spins turn light off Transport properties Research update Spins turn light off A new spin on plasmonics
Structure and dynamics Research update “Thermal runaway” weakens even the best crystals 80-year-old theory may not set maximum strength after all
Read article: When graphene meets negative refraction Transport properties Research update When graphene meets negative refraction Researchers think that graphene could be used to make a tiny electron lens
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