Read article: Josephson effect seen in atomic gas Ultrafast science Research update Josephson effect seen in atomic gas System could be used to make rotation sensor
Read article: A faster way to better quantum computers Quantum mechanics Research update A faster way to better quantum computers Decoherence is measured in a jiffy
Superconductivity Research update Microchip ‘bus’ links up quantum bits Devices bring quantum computing on a chip one step closer
Read article: Quantum spin Hall effect glimpsed in HgTe Transport properties Research update Quantum spin Hall effect glimpsed in HgTe Edge conduction seen in insulator
Transport properties Research update Experiment finds graphene’s missing pi Theory is correct after all
Read article: IBM targets single-atom data storage Surfaces and interfaces Research update IBM targets single-atom data storage Big Blue unveils tiny technologies
Quantum mechanics Research update Supersolid saga continues Simulation links quantum phase to crystal dislocations
Read article: First “heat transistor” unveiled Transport properties Research update First “heat transistor” unveiled Heat is moved one electron at a time
Transport properties Research update Graphene p-n junction is unveiled Device could be important step towards carbon transistors
Low-temperature physics Research update Single crystals go supersolid Evidence for supersolidity in single crystals puts theorists back in the dark
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