Read article: Unconventional wisdom Transport properties Research update Unconventional wisdom Plutonium compound bridges superconducting extremes
Read article: Novel molecule makes its debut Structure and dynamics Research update Novel molecule makes its debut Exciplexes that contain seven helium atoms have been seen for the first time
Read article: Microlever feels the chill Nanomaterials Research update Microlever feels the chill New approach could allow force microscopes to operate in the quantum regime
Read article: Supercool helium ions make their debut Low-temperature physics Research update Supercool helium ions make their debut "Sympathetic cooling" could lead to new tests of fundamental physics
Soft matter and liquids Research update Evidence for supersolid is firmed up Superfluidity has been seen in a bulk sample of solid helium
Read article: Colder, slower, better Particles and interactions Research update Colder, slower, better Physicists have measured the velocity of cold anti-atoms for the first time
Read article: Fermi gas goes superfluid Superconductivity Research update Fermi gas goes superfluid First detection of pairing gap opens new window on exotic matter
Read article: Russian physicist scoops low temperature award Low-temperature physics Research update Russian physicist scoops low temperature award Grigory Volovik wins 2004 Simon Memorial Prize
Read article: Fermi gases approach superfluid regime Soft matter and liquids Research update Fermi gases approach superfluid regime Groups in the US and Austria have seen evidence for superfluidity in a gas of fermions
Read article: Fermionic condensate makes its debut Transport properties Research update Fermionic condensate makes its debut US physicists have made atoms behave like the electrons in a superconductor
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