Read article: US Nobel laureates: vote Obama Vacuum and cryogenics Research update US Nobel laureates: vote Obama Prize-winners rally behind Democratic nominee as he issues 'plan for science and innovation'
Ultrafast science Research update Lasers slim down radiotherapy equipment Accelerating electrons using lasers could save valuable space and time in hospitals
Surfaces and interfaces Research update Holes prevent sound from passing through plate 'Extraordinary acoustic screening' could lead to new acoustic materials
Read article: Bubble-fusion researcher loses professorship Soft matter and liquids Research update Bubble-fusion researcher loses professorship Purdue's Rusi Taleyarkhan says penalty is 'unfair and egregious'
Read article: Ballistic breakthrough could lead to molecular logic gates Transport properties Research update Ballistic breakthrough could lead to molecular logic gates Electrons travel with ease between benzene and platinum
Read article: Inspired thinking Soft matter and liquids Interview Inspired thinking Douglas Osheroff gives his tips for would-be Nobel laureates of the future
Soft matter and liquids Research update Superfluids point to the origin of ‘monster’ ocean waves Researchers say wave energy can cascade towards long wavelengths
Read article: Liquid mirror shows promise for adaptive optics Telescopes and space missions Research update Liquid mirror shows promise for adaptive optics Device is controlled by an array of magnetic coils
Read article: ‘Anaconda’ could be the best way to harness wave power Soft matter and liquids Research update ‘Anaconda’ could be the best way to harness wave power Huge rubber tube will be cheap and almost maintenance free, say researchers
Read article: Glass arrested on the road to crystallization Soft matter and liquids Research update Glass arrested on the road to crystallization Experiments on colloidal gels shed light on how glass is formed