Read article: Tiny motor turns giant rods Ultrafast science Research update Tiny motor turns giant rods New nanoscale motor can rotate objects 10,000 times its own size
Read article: Fluid lenses feel the pressure Surfaces and interfaces Research update Fluid lenses feel the pressure Physicists develop a variable-focus lens that would be ideal for mobile-phone cameras and other devices
Read article: The visionary who sparkled Transport properties Opinion and reviews The visionary who sparkled The brilliant mind of J D Bernal
Read article: New look for nanodetection Soft matter and liquids Research update New look for nanodetection Physicists develop technique to detect individual nano-sized particles in real time
Read article: Ink-jet technology moves beyond paper Surfaces and interfaces Feature Ink-jet technology moves beyond paper The wonders of the ink-jet revolution
Structure and dynamics Research update Fluids mix in reverse Beads stirred in a viscous fluid can amazingly return to their starting positions if the direction of mixing is reversed
Read article: DNA pyramids make their debut Soft matter and liquids Research update DNA pyramids make their debut Physicists develop DNA tetrahedra that can be used as building blocks for nanostructures
Read article: Optical devices get fishy Soft matter and liquids Research update Optical devices get fishy Fish waste has attractive optical properties
Read article: Tiny swimmer makes a splash Soft matter and liquids Research update Tiny swimmer makes a splash New swimming nanorobots could beat all comers, in theory
Read article: Doing physics with bacteria Structure and dynamics Research update Doing physics with bacteria Helical filaments spring surprises in liquid-crystal state