Soft matter and liquids Research update Evidence for supersolid is firmed up Superfluidity has been seen in a bulk sample of solid helium
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Surfaces and interfaces Research update The turbulent life of dolphins Creatures shed their skin every two hours to reduce drag as they swim through water
Read article: Fermi gases approach superfluid regime Soft matter and liquids Research update Fermi gases approach superfluid regime Groups in the US and Austria have seen evidence for superfluidity in a gas of fermions
Read article: Ultrasound imaging goes supersonic Soft matter and liquids Research update Ultrasound imaging goes supersonic Sonic boom could lead to breakthrough in medial imaging
Read article: Spintronics goes organic Soft matter and liquids Research update Spintronics goes organic Physicists have built the first organic spin valve
Read article: Radical molecule breaks the rules Soft matter and liquids Research update Radical molecule breaks the rules New compound could lead to non-metallic magnets
Read article: Crystal breaks surface area record Structure and dynamics Research update Crystal breaks surface area record New chemical structure could help in hydrogen storage
Read article: The life and death of antibubbles Soft matter and liquids Research update The life and death of antibubbles Physicists probe novel phenomena in fluids
Soft matter and liquids Research update DNA self-assembles nanotube transistor Researchers harness the properties of DNA to make electronic devices
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