Read article: Nanowires drop out of fluid research Surfaces and interfaces Research update Nanowires drop out of fluid research Researchers make breakthrough discovery in the behaviour of bubbles and droplets
Surfaces and interfaces Research update Extracting electricity from water Researchers from Canada have discovered the first new way to generate electricity for 160 years
Read article: Electronic paper reaches video speeds Surfaces and interfaces Research update Electronic paper reaches video speeds New display technology moves closer
Read article: Biomolecule behaves like a wave Soft matter and liquids Research update Biomolecule behaves like a wave Wave-particle duality has been seen in the largest objects yet
Soft matter and liquids Research update Turbulent breakthrough in superfluid helium A quantum version of the Reynolds number has been seen in a superfluid
Soft matter and liquids Research update Dirac Medal recognizes work on turbulence The 2003 Dirac Medal has been awarded to Robert Kraichnan and Vladimir Zakharov
Soft matter and liquids Research update Organic devices get back on track After the embarrassment of the Schön affair, research into organic semiconductor devices is moving forward again
Soft matter and liquids Research update Waves and turbulence cause a stir in superfluids Turbulent breakthrough in superfluid helium
Soft matter and liquids Research update DNA acts like a “piston” Biophysicists have built the first expanding-contracting DNA device
Transport properties Research update Rayleigh jets come into view Physicists have observed “Rayleigh jets” for the first time