Read article: Artificial swimmers have no moving parts Surfaces and interfaces Research update Artificial swimmers have no moving parts Catalysis makes tiny objects swim
Read article: First “heat transistor” unveiled Transport properties Research update First “heat transistor” unveiled Heat is moved one electron at a time
Read article: Tiny organisms move microstructures Surfaces and interfaces Research update Tiny organisms move microstructures Bacteria act as "beasts of burden"
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Transport properties Research update Graphene p-n junction is unveiled Device could be important step towards carbon transistors
Read article: European X-ray laser gets the go ahead Ultrafast science Research update European X-ray laser gets the go ahead Funding in place for construction to start early next year
Surfaces and interfaces Research update Big particles are secret to crack-free paint Physicists discover why some paints crack when they dry
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Read article: Electrons hold their spin in silicon Transport properties Research update Electrons hold their spin in silicon Ballistic electrons on target for spintronics
Read article: Evidence mounts for Bose glass Ultracold matter Research update Evidence mounts for Bose glass New state of matter glimpsed in ultracold atoms
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