Read article: Lightning ‘superbolts’ have a unique formation mechanism, satellite studies suggest Atmosphere Research update Lightning ‘superbolts’ have a unique formation mechanism, satellite studies suggest Flashes can be 1000 times brighter than normal lightning
Read article: Did a supernova trigger the late Devonian extinction? Astronomy and space Research update Did a supernova trigger the late Devonian extinction? Isotopic evidence could be lurking in the fossil record
Read article: Earth’s atmosphere rings like a giant bell, say researchers Atmosphere Research update Earth’s atmosphere rings like a giant bell, say researchers Study confirms 200-year-old prediction by Pierre-Simon Laplace
Read article: Fungal ‘shrapnel’ bursts into the atmosphere Nanomaterials Research update Fungal ‘shrapnel’ bursts into the atmosphere Airborne fragments of fungal cells just 30 nm across have been found at concentrations far higher than expected
Read article: Elves and gamma rays emerge simultaneously from thunderstorm Atmosphere Research update Elves and gamma rays emerge simultaneously from thunderstorm Lightning observations from the International Space Station connect two mysterious effects
Read article: The state of the climate in 2019 and its impacts on us Climate Blog The state of the climate in 2019 and its impacts on us Omar Baddour discusses the provisional statement of WMO State of the Climate report 2019, released this week
Read article: Carbon removal requires multiple technologies Atmosphere Research update Carbon removal requires multiple technologies A survey of experts suggests that no single technology can be relied upon to remove CO2 from the atmosphere, and that models need to consider a range of approaches in concert
Read article: UK air is cleaner but challenges remain Atmosphere Research update UK air is cleaner but challenges remain Researchers call for integrated policies on air pollution, greenhouse gases and sustainable development
Read article: Water loss offsets the cooling effect of aerosols in clouds Atmosphere Research update Water loss offsets the cooling effect of aerosols in clouds New data suggest that microscopic particulates lower the total water content of clouds, reducing aerosols’ climate-cooling effect by around 23%
Read article: Atmospheric rivers drive local sea-level rise Atmosphere Research update Atmospheric rivers drive local sea-level rise Phenomena generate strong upper ocean response