Read article: My favourite Nobel prize: highlighting climate change science and awareness Culture, history and society Blog My favourite Nobel prize: highlighting climate change science and awareness Liz Kalaugher praises the 2007 Nobel Peace Prize but laments that not enough has been done since to cut greenhouse gas emissions
Read article: Sharing scientific and indigenous knowledge brings new insights Climate Research update Sharing scientific and indigenous knowledge brings new insights Finding common ground could help understand and adapt to Arctic climate change
Read article: Drought may hit half world’s wheat at once Climate Research update Drought may hit half world’s wheat at once Wheat yields could be hit by severe drought across half the world at once, driving up prices and making problems for global markets
Read article: Extremes of global heat bring tipping points closer Climate Research update Extremes of global heat bring tipping points closer It makes good business sense to contain planetary warming to 1.5 °C. Passing the Paris target spells disaster, with more extremes of global heat
Read article: IPCC: Rapid changes are forcing people to fundamentally alter their ways of life Climate Research update IPCC: Rapid changes are forcing people to fundamentally alter their ways of life IPCC releases special report on oceans and cryosphere
Read article: Only wet regions may become wetter as climate changes Climate Research update Only wet regions may become wetter as climate changes Defining wet and dry by local water availability alters outlook for annual rainfall, though all zones likely to see more intense heavy rain
Read article: Mitigating urban heat islands with trees is more effective in dry climates Climate Research update Mitigating urban heat islands with trees is more effective in dry climates More greenery in wet, tropical regions has small cooling effect on cities
Read article: Climate scientist or climate activist – where’s the line? Climate Analysis Climate scientist or climate activist – where’s the line? Some climate scientists are taking part in actions by groups such as Extinction Rebellion. But others don’t see that as their role. Liz Kalaugher talks to the scientists
Read article: Building a consensus on climate change, the future of our warming oceans, the world beneath our feet Climate Podcasts Building a consensus on climate change, the future of our warming oceans, the world beneath our feet Covering Climate Now is the focus of this week’s podcast
Read article: Indian Ocean warming could be stabilizing Atlantic circulation, say scientists Climate Research update Indian Ocean warming could be stabilizing Atlantic circulation, say scientists Simulation suggests that rainfall reduction over tropical Atlantic Ocean is boosting salinity