Read article: Physicists stop forgers in their tracks Lasers Research update Physicists stop forgers in their tracks Holographic approach reveals tiny differences in handwriting
Lasers Research update US team breaks power density record Researchers create a focused laser spot with the highest intensity to date
Lasers Research update Femtosecond lasers aid frequency standards fs lasers could help in next-generation optical frequency standards
Read article: Making atoms cooler Ultrafast science Research update Making atoms cooler Cavity increases laser cooling rate by a factor of five
Read article: Lasers overcome the Lorentz force Lasers Research update Lasers overcome the Lorentz force New approach could probe phenomena on attosecond timescales
Optical physics Research update Scientists bring light to sharpest focus Researchers create the smallest spot size ever with radially-polarized light.
Semiconductors and electronics Research update Photonic crystals boost semiconductor lasers Physicists in the US have made a new type of surface-emitting laser
Optical physics Research update Hollow fibre carries megawatt pulses Optical physicists have made a photonic-band gap fibre that can transmit megawatt pulses
Read article: First light for one-atom laser Quantum optics Research update First light for one-atom laser Novel device pushes laser physics to the limit
Optics & Photonics Briefing This issue explores lasers and detectors, solar power, medical imaging and high-resolution displays