Lasers Research update “Lasetron” could probe the nucleus Pulses of radiation just zeptoseconds long could be generated with existing lasers
Read article: Silica spheres make low-power laser Lasers Research update Silica spheres make low-power laser Compact new laser source could be used to probe the quantum nature of light
Ultracold matter Research update Laser tweezers get a grip on DNA Versatile optical technique could play a role in fields from biomechanics to nanotechnology
Quantum mechanics Research update Cool laser puts special relativity to the test Speed check verifies the fundamental theory more accurately than ever
Read article: Random laser feels the heat Lasers Research update Random laser feels the heat The spectrum of light from a new laser can be tuned by adjusting its temperature
Ultrafast science Research update Super-short laser flashes light up ultra-fast events Fleeting bursts of X-rays allow scientists to track attosecond electron events for the first time
Optical physics Research update Taking a closer look at light Two new optical probes work on ultrashort and ultrafast scales
Read article: Lasers illuminate the flight of the bumblebee Lasers Research update Lasers illuminate the flight of the bumblebee Precise optical tracking could improve models of the dynamics of flying insects
Read article: Chaotic lasers decode data Lasers Research update Chaotic lasers decode data A new encryption method based on synchronized lasers promises to be ultra-safe