Nuclear physics Research update Physicists get a taste of ‘tetra-neutrons’ Four-neutron clusters could shed light on nuclear forces
Particles and interactions Research update Cooperation to answer cosmic questions Six major experiments are proposed to tackle fundamental questions about the universe
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Particles and interactions Research update Rare decay claim stirs controversy Physicists divided over double-beta decay breakthrough
Nuclear physics Research update New letters expose war-time secrets Previously unseen letters by Niels Bohr reveal why Werner Heisenberg visited him in 1941
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Nuclear physics Research update Beefing up the strong force Protons and neutrons are composite objects that consist of quarks bound by the strong force. Free quarks, and the gluons that hold them together, are not observed in nature because the coupling streng...
Read article: Fusion hitch could help heavy elements Particles and interactions Research update Fusion hitch could help heavy elements Deeper understanding of fusion inhibition could help scientists to make heavyweight nuclei
Particles and interactions Research update First hints of novel nuclei Physicists create a heavy isotope of hydrogen and a 'doubly strange' nucleus
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