Read article: Web life: Quantum Frontiers Quantum mechanics Opinion and reviews Web life: Quantum Frontiers Written by researchers at the Institute for Quantum Information and Matter at Caltech, this blog deals with the latest advances in quantum systems and technologies
Read article: Decoding the quantum horizon Quantum computing Video Decoding the quantum horizon Introducing the "it from qubit" concept
Read article: Entanglement boosts data transmission Cryptography Research update Entanglement boosts data transmission Quantum mechanics wrings out extra capacity from optical fibres
Read article: Ghost images taken using pairs of atoms Quantum optics Research update Ghost images taken using pairs of atoms New technique could test fundamental principles of quantum mechanics
Read article: Photons created in a superposition of two colours Quantum optics Research update Photons created in a superposition of two colours Multicoloured qubits could boost quantum computing
Read article: Quantum teleportation comes to Hefei and Calgary Quantum optics Research update Quantum teleportation comes to Hefei and Calgary Studies show quantum communications possible using metropolitan optical-fibre networks
Read article: Quantum mechanics trumps nonlocal causality Quantum mechanics Research update Quantum mechanics trumps nonlocal causality Action at a distance alone cannot explain quantum entanglement
Read article: China launches world’s first quantum science satellite Telescopes and space missions News China launches world’s first quantum science satellite QUESS mission will test the feasibility of quantum communication between ground and space
Read article: Twisted light beams sent 143 km across the sea Quantum optics Research update Twisted light beams sent 143 km across the sea Orbital angular-momentum states transmitted between Canary Islands
Read article: Why quantum cryptography could be a one-way street Cryptography Research update Why quantum cryptography could be a one-way street Physicists show asymmetry in nonlocality of quantum states