Read article: Century-old photoelectric effect inspires a new search for quantum gravity Gravity Research update Century-old photoelectric effect inspires a new search for quantum gravity Proposed experiment could demonstrate absorption and emission of individual gravitons
Read article: Carbon defect in boron nitride creates first omnidirectional magnetometer Quantum sensors Research update Carbon defect in boron nitride creates first omnidirectional magnetometer Quantum sensor can detect magnetic fields in any direction and monitor temperature changes in a sample at the same time
Read article: Quantum brainwave: using wearable quantum technology to study cognitive development Medical physics Interview Quantum brainwave: using wearable quantum technology to study cognitive development Margot Taylor and David Woolger explain to Physics World why quantum-sensing technology is a game-changer for studying children’s brains
Read article: Quantum sensor detects magnetic and electric fields from a single atom Quantum sensors Research update Quantum sensor detects magnetic and electric fields from a single atom New device is like an MRI machine for quantum materials, say physicists
Read article: Quantum sensors monitor brain development in children Quantum sensors Podcasts Quantum sensors monitor brain development in children This podcast explores how quantum technologies are revolutionizing medicine
Read article: Quantum-entangled photons are super-sensitive to Earth’s rotation Quantum sensors Research update Quantum-entangled photons are super-sensitive to Earth’s rotation Sagnac interferometer experiment prepares the ground for testing the effects of gravity on quantum states
Read article: Next-generation quantum sensors detect human biomagnetism Quantum sensors Research update Next-generation quantum sensors detect human biomagnetism Researchers are developing novel sensors that might be applied to next-generation magnetoencephalography systems
Read article: Magnetic trap keeps a superconducting microsphere levitated and stable Quantum sensors Research update Magnetic trap keeps a superconducting microsphere levitated and stable Similar set-up could form the basis for precise quantum sensors and even dark-matter detectors
Read article: Giant orbital magnetic moment appears in a graphene quantum dot Magnetism and spin Research update Giant orbital magnetic moment appears in a graphene quantum dot New discovery could be important for quantum information science and magnetic field sensing
Read article: Quantum sensor survives at record-high pressures Quantum sensors Research update Quantum sensor survives at record-high pressures Experiments indicate a high upper bound on operating pressures for NV centres in diamond