Read article: Go-ahead for protest-hit Thirty Meter Telescope, but with fewer future sites on Mauna Kea Telescopes and space missions News Go-ahead for protest-hit Thirty Meter Telescope, but with fewer future sites on Mauna Kea A quarter of existing facilities to be decommissioned before new telescope is operational
Projects and facilities Blog On top of the volcano – part two Getting down at the High-Altitude Water Cherenkov gamma-ray observatory
Projects and facilities Blog On top of the volcano – part one Visiting the Large Millimeter Telescope
Read article: E-mail triggers row over Hawaii telescope Telescopes and space missions News E-mail triggers row over Hawaii telescope American Astronomical Society president calls for "respectful discourse"
Projects and facilities Blog A telescope for the Year of Light The Galileoscope marks the International Year of Light
Projects and facilities Blog Balloon-borne experiment will reveal how cosmic rays damage computer memories Students plan to launch high-altitude experiment in June
Projects and facilities Blog Where is the coldest experiment on Earth? Matter-wave technique chills atoms to below 50 pK
Projects and facilities Blog Last views of a huge particle detector before the Large Hadron Collider comes to life A final visit to the CMS detector before it is sealed up for the LHC's restart
Projects and facilities Blog Daresbury holds a ‘wedding for microscopists’ Scientists from around the world celebrate the opening of SuperSTEM 3
Read article: Physicists urged to back plans for Africa’s first synchrotron Ultrafast science News Physicists urged to back plans for Africa’s first synchrotron Rallying cry goes out for an African light source, with South Africa a potential host