Everyday science Blog Interview with Federico Capasso Co-inventor of the quantum cascade laser talks about the challenges of commercialization...
Everyday science Blog Fun science at the exhibit hall I grew up calling these things Rube Goldberg machines, but I'm told the British term is "Heath Robinson contraptions"...
Everyday science Blog A prediction from string theory? It seems that heavy ions, string theory and cold atoms have more in common than we realized...
Everyday science Blog On the origin of freebies The coolest stuff on offer at the AAAS exhibit hall has a chilly source...
Everyday science Blog Science that's hard to swallow It's not every day you get to see an Ig Nobel laureate in the flesh -- and even rarer to watch one swallow 12 inches of steel...
Everyday science Blog Galileo's inconvenient truth Having seen Al Gore's keynote address, I can understand why his film "An Inconvenient Truth" struck such a chord with viewers...
Everyday science Blog 'Promiscuous networking' I'd thought that the economic crisis might be the elephant in the conference room, but I was only half right...