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Physics World Special Report: China 2019

Physics World Special Report: China 2019

This Physics World Special Report examines China’s Chang’e-4 mission to the far side of the Moon, which landed in the Von Kármán creator in the South Pole Aitken Basin. It also looks at how China is forging ahead in synchrotron science, notably through the construction of a major fourth-generation synchrotron radiation facility in Beijing. Meanwhile, find out how physicists in China are planning to build a massive new underground facility in the centre of the country to study gravitational waves and test Einstein’s general theory of relativity to an unprecedented precision.

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Or you can read selected content from the Physics World Special Report: China 2019 here

Chang’e-4 rover feature

Exploring the far side

Siran Liu at the University of Science and Technology Beijing opinion

Peering into the past

Aerial view of the Large High Altitude Air Shower Observatory news

Huge Chinese cosmic-ray observatory begins operation

China’s High Energy Photon Source opinion

China’s next big thing: a new fourth-generation synchrotron facility in Beijing

Ratchet research update

Feynman’s ratchet is built at last using 19 optical tweezers

Image of the KAGRA gravitational-wave observatory news

Underground gravitational-wave observatory

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