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Physics World August 2022

Physics World August 2022

Collision course: using Newton’s laws to spot fake car-crash claims

Fraudsters routinely try to make money by pretending they have been injured in traffic accidents. But simple Newtonian physics can reveal which insurance claims are genuine and which are bogus, as Michael Hall – a physicist and head of research at GBB – explains. His job is to use a science-based analysis of vehicle accidents, all while being completely impartial and watertight so they will stand up to the scrutiny of cross examination in court. Hall also includes several real-life case studies to test if you could spot the fraud.

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Or you can read selected content from the August 2022 issue of Physics World here

Arati Prabhakar news

Physicist becomes US science adviser

Opening ceremony of carbon neutrality research centre at the Institute of Atmospheric Physics in Beijing analysis

China sets out its climate ambitions

Photovoltaic research feature

A novel window into ‘smart’ glass

car crash feature

Using Newton’s laws to weed out bogus car-crash claims

summer-holiday reading lateral thoughts

The first-sentence challenge

Satyajit Ray, sitting behind the camera operator, on set feature

The unique universe of Satyajit Ray

Stonehenge sunrise review

As time goes by

Oliver Grimston careers

From intern to chief of staff

Delegates to G4G14 making a portrait of Martin Gardner from Rubik’s cubes opinion

Hello interflexionality

Electric car motors on an assembly line opinion

Magnetic economy

Woman sat at a desk with her head in her heads careers

How to extinguish academic burnout

Ngc6217 galaxy review

Out of sight, beyond imagination

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