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Physics World Big Science Briefing 2021

Physics World Big Science Briefing 2021

Science in China is booming so it should come as no surprise that the country is investing heavily in a variety of big science projects. In this Briefing the science writer Ling Xin profiles four facilities that are currently under construction in China. These include a hypergravity centre, which will use huge centrifuges to do a wide range of geosciences and engineering studies, and a high-intensity ion accelerator for creating and studying exotic nuclei. Also covered are a neutrino observatory that is being built deep underground and an X-ray free electron laser (XFEL), which is due to open in 2025.

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Or you can read selected content from the Physics World Big Science Briefing 2021 here

Artist's rendering of a future science facility analysis

Big science booms in China

Emily Draper interview

Neutrons reveal secrets of self-assembly

Harry Westfahl Jr interview

Sirius shines a light on the future of Brazilian science

Illustration of antihydrogen cooling research update

Breakthrough in laser-cooling antihydrogen could reveal why matter dominates the universe

Meg Millhouse, Lucy Strang and Karl Wette interview

OzGrav hunts faint signals from continuous gravitational waves

Quark and gluon sea in the proton research update

Proton contains more anti-down quarks than anti-up

Telescope Array research update

Cosmic-ray detector might have spotted nuggets of dark matter

Jon Marangos (left) and Adam Kirrander interview

Why the UK should build its own X-ray free electron laser

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