World’s darkest skies threatened by industrial megaproject in Chile, astronomers warn
AES Andes is aiming to develop a green hydrogen project in Chile’s Atacama Desert
AES Andes is aiming to develop a green hydrogen project in Chile’s Atacama Desert
About 52 000 people in the UK are thought to work or contribute to the materials industry
The appointments of Michael Kratsios and Lynne Parker have been broadly welcomed by the scientific community
Lia Merminga has resigned as Fermilab director after a turbulent few years at the lab
NASA’s Parker Solar Probe will perform 24 orbits around the Sun with the next close solar passes occurring on 22 March and 19 June
Complementary research brings practical quantum computing closer
One technique is used to observe worms munching on bacteria
Controlled dephasing can be harnessed to enhance the batteries’ efficiency and stability
Combining microbeam radiotherapy with targeted radiosensitizers could treat tumours while sparing normal brain tissues
Distortions known as gravitational memory are permanent and potentially detectable from Earth
MRI of inhaled perfluoropropane can assess regional lung ventilation and monitor improvements in response to medication
Tiny bioresorbable acoustic microrobots deliver cancer drugs to shrink bladder tumours in mice
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From foaming to phase transitions, Douglas Goff explains the physics behind a perfect scoop
Claire Dancer and Alastair Hibbins explain the commercial potential of metamaterials
A comprehensive guide for starting out in public engagement from The Ogden Trust
Oksana Kondratyeva describes her creation of a quantum-inspired work of stained-glass art
Robert P Crease explains the aims and ambitions of the Helgoland 2025 meeting
Robert Phillips argues that whatever your career ambitions, entrepreneurship skills will set you up for success
A failure to support physics and physics-based industries could result in missed opportunities, says Burnett
The SMall Aspect Ratio Tokamak operates with a 'negative triangularity' configuration
Mark Whalley argues that a physics education builds valuable skills, but not for the reasons often given to students
A population of 74 planetesimal belts orbiting nearby stars has been studied by researchers
The mission is expected to be complete next year with a launch by May 2027
Successful hula hooping requires a gyrating body with a particular slope and curvature
NJP editor-in-chief Andreas Buchleitner discusses how the journal is looking to boost its coverage across all areas of physics
Trisha Andrew, Thierry Brousse, Robert Savinell and Weiran Zheng discuss their experience publishing in Electrochemical Society journals
Landmine detectors based on Nuclear Magnetic Resonance could reduce the regular occurrence of false positives that hamper conventional technology
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