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Biophysics and bioengineering

Biophysics and bioengineering

How physics is helping in the war against COVID-19

30 Mar 2020 James Dacey

The COVID-19 pandemic has led to a state of global emergency. In such an interconnected world, the virus is spreading fast and cares little about national borders. Fortunately, scientific knowledge and public health responses are more advanced now than ever before.

Medical doctors, nurses and other medical staff are on the frontline of dealing with the consequences of the pandemic. Behind them, scientists from a range of fields are working intensely to better understand the virus behind the pandemic: SARS-CoV-2.

How exactly does it infect humans then spread between us? Who is most at risk? Can we develop a vaccine and drugs to defend ourselves? Where should we focus our resources? These are just some of the many difficult questions faced right now by healthcare professionals, research scientists and politicians.

This short video looks at how physics and physics-based technologies can play a role in tackling these questions. To find out more about how physics is helping in the global response to COVID-19 see this article by science writer Jon Cartwright.

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