Brother-and-sister duo Eugenia Viti and Ivan Viti explore the difference between reel and real physics
Regular readers of the magazine will be familiar with “Lateral Thoughts” – Physics World’s long-running column of humorous or otherwise offbeat essays, puzzles, crosswords, quizzes and comics, all written by our readers – that appears on the back page each month. For this month’s special issue “physics at the movies”, siblings Eugenia Viti and Ivan Viti have crafted a comic that takes tackles the tricky subject of physics on the big screen – can you name the two film bloopers depicted and the one movie that got the science right?
Eugenia is a cartoonist, illustrator and writer living in Chicago, US. Follow her on Instagram @eugeniaviti. Ivan has a PhD in physics and is working as an advanced development engineer at Hydro-Gear. He lives with his wife, three cats, two dogs and one goldfish