Read article: Sunlight puts asteroids in a spin Telescopes and space missions Research update Sunlight puts asteroids in a spin Astronomers find evidence linking sunlight to how fast asteroids rotate
Telescopes and space missions Research update Tiny dip could point to cosmic-ray origins Calculations help pin down GZK cut off
Read article: Binary star pulsates with high-energy gamma rays Stars and solar physics Research update Binary star pulsates with high-energy gamma rays Astronomers discover TeV particle accelerator in space
Read article: The oldest explosion in the universe Imaging Research update The oldest explosion in the universe Astronomers have found a gamma-ray burst that took place 12.8 billion years ago
Read article: John Bahcall dies Stars and solar physics Research update John Bahcall dies The world's leading authority on solar neutrinos has died at the age 70
Astroparticle physics Research update Prizes reward high-energy physics The European Physical Society has announced the winners of its 2005 awards
Cosmology Research update Background neutrinos join the limelight Astrophysicists have seen evidence for tiny ripples in the cosmic neutrino background
Cosmology Research update Quark-gluon plasma goes liquid More evidence for the state of matter that might have existed just after the Big Bang.
Particles and interactions Research update And then there were two Particle physicists explore the difference between matter and anti-matter
Read article: Astrophysicist thinks big Structure and dynamics Research update Astrophysicist thinks big Could Europa, one of Jupiter's icy moons, be used to detect neutrinos?
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