Read article: Fast radio burst came from a neutron star’s magnetosphere, say astronomers Stars and solar physics Research update Fast radio burst came from a neutron star’s magnetosphere, say astronomers Scintillation measurements show that FRB 20221022A originated from the highly magnetized region around a neutron star, challenging existing models of conditions there
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Read article: Sun’s magnetic field may have a surprisingly shallow origin Stars and solar physics Research update Sun’s magnetic field may have a surprisingly shallow origin New mathematical model reveals the workings of the stellar dynamo, with important implications for predicting solar storms
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Read article: Two-faced white dwarf star leaves astronomers puzzled Stars and solar physics Research update Two-faced white dwarf star leaves astronomers puzzled Merger of two stellar remnants could explain a peculiar split between the star’s helium- and hydrogen-covered hemispheres
Read article: Spiral arms of gas and dust spotted around a massive protostar Stars and solar physics Research update Spiral arms of gas and dust spotted around a massive protostar Rare observation sheds light on how large stars form