Read article: Merging nature and engineering: mantis shrimp vision in the operating room Biomedical devices Research update Merging nature and engineering: mantis shrimp vision in the operating room Inspired by the mantis shrimp visual system, researchers have built a camera that helps cancer surgeons see the unseen
Read article: Triboelectricity can boost the efficiency and lifetime of filter masks Materials Research update Triboelectricity can boost the efficiency and lifetime of filter masks Self-powered system also kills bacteria
Read article: Wireless device eases blood-pressure monitoring for children in intensive care Biomedical devices Research update Wireless device eases blood-pressure monitoring for children in intensive care Skin‐interfaced device monitors blood pressure without the need for invasive arterial catheters
Read article: Gold nanorods are ideal candidates for long-term biosensing Biomedical devices Research update Gold nanorods are ideal candidates for long-term biosensing Novel nanoparticle sensor promises to increase the lifetime of implantable biosensors by several months
Read article: Using breath to detect lung cancer Biomedical devices Research update Using breath to detect lung cancer Researchers in China combine breath tests, mass spectrometry and a support vector machine to detect lung cancer
Read article: AI-powered platform analyses blood vessel abnormalities Biomedical devices Research update AI-powered platform analyses blood vessel abnormalities An artificial intelligence velocimetry framework combined with a microfluidic chip quantifies blood flow characteristics to help understand vascular disease
Read article: Tiny sensor monitors organ oxygenation deep inside the body Biomedical devices Research update Tiny sensor monitors organ oxygenation deep inside the body Wireless implant could non-invasively measure a transplanted organ’s oxygen level, enabling early detection of dysfunction
Read article: Researchers develop breath test for rare inherited disorder Biomedical devices Research update Researchers develop breath test for rare inherited disorder A novel breath test assesses the severity of the rare disorder methylmalonic acidemia and patients’ response to transplant surgery
Read article: New device can detect airborne virus particles that cause COVID-19, says maker Business and innovation Research update New device can detect airborne virus particles that cause COVID-19, says maker System works in minutes and is claimed to be as sensitive as PCR tests
Read article: Connecting the dots to artificially restore vision Biomedical devices Research update Connecting the dots to artificially restore vision A new retinal implant uses thousands of electrodes to stimulate retinal cells in the blind and produce dotted images