Read article: Wild songbirds respond to mathematically synthesized song Biophysics Research update Wild songbirds respond to mathematically synthesized song Mathematical model could provide a valuable tool for investigating a wide range of biological questions
Read article: Micro-tornadoes help transport nutrients within egg cells Biophysics Research update Micro-tornadoes help transport nutrients within egg cells New work sheds light on vortex flows involved in mixing and transporting ooplasmic components that cells need to develop
Read article: Single-cell nanobiopsy explores how brain cancer cells adapt to resist treatment Biophysics Research update Single-cell nanobiopsy explores how brain cancer cells adapt to resist treatment Understanding how glioblastoma cells transform in response to treatment, and how to stop this, could prevent recurrence of this deadly brain cancer
Read article: Bacterial nanowires make an electrical grid in the soil Biophysics Research update Bacterial nanowires make an electrical grid in the soil Anaerobic bacteria depend upon a single family of proteins to transfer extra electrons they produce to electric hairs on their surface
Read article: When it comes to fish dynamics, three’s a school Biophysics Blog When it comes to fish dynamics, three’s a school Researchers find that three fish is the minimum number to form a school
Read article: Researchers reveal the fluid dynamics behind cicadas’ ‘unique’ urination Biophysics Blog Researchers reveal the fluid dynamics behind cicadas’ ‘unique’ urination Cicadas are voracious eaters, which results in a lot of urination
Read article: Explaining the origin of life with physics Biophysics Opinion and reviews Explaining the origin of life with physics Claire Malone reviews Molecular Storms: the Physics of Stars, Cells and the Origin of Life by Liam Graham
Read article: Spectacular scans of thousands of vertebrate specimens released Biophysics Blog Spectacular scans of thousands of vertebrate specimens released More than 13,000 specimens have been scanned with computed tomography for the openVertebrate project
Read article: Researchers solve mystery of why flying insects gather at artificial light Everyday science Research update Researchers solve mystery of why flying insects gather at artificial light Tracking insects’ flight under a range of light conditions reveals that artificial lights confuse insects as to which way is up
Read article: Biophysics breakthroughs take centre stage at annual meeting Biophysics Innovation showcase SPONSORED Biophysics breakthroughs take centre stage at annual meeting The Biophysical Society Annual Meeting sees researchers from over 55 countries come together to discuss the latest advances in the interdisciplinary field of biophysics