Read article: Optical technology watches nerve cells fire Neural engineering Research update Optical technology watches nerve cells fire A rapid, non-invasive optical technique can visualize the electrical activity of nerve cells
Read article: Phantom limb movement controls a robotic arm Neural engineering Research update Phantom limb movement controls a robotic arm A control system for a prosthetic robotic arm that decodes phantom limb movements could help people with above the elbow amputations
Read article: Brain–computer interface gives people with paralysis full control of a tablet computer Neural engineering Research update Brain–computer interface gives people with paralysis full control of a tablet computer A brain–computer interface that converts brain signals into cursor movement enables people with paralysis to control a tablet computer
Read article: Electrical pulses speed up nerve regeneration in rats Biomaterials Research update Electrical pulses speed up nerve regeneration in rats Biodegradable device delivers electrical stimulation to peripheral nerves to kick start nerve regrowth and enhance muscle recovery
Read article: Transparent microelectrodes improve brain activity mapping Neural engineering Research update Transparent microelectrodes improve brain activity mapping Transparent microelectrode arrays measure the brain's electrical activity while simultaneously performing optical imaging
Read article: Simultaneous EEG and fMRI measure sleep ‘inertia’ Neural engineering Research update Simultaneous EEG and fMRI measure sleep ‘inertia’ Electroencephalography and functional MRI reveal that sleep-specific brain activity does not disappear immediately after we wake up
Read article: Measuring the brain’s fast optical signal could speed up BCI response Neural engineering Research update Measuring the brain’s fast optical signal could speed up BCI response Using near-infrared spectroscopy to measure the fast optical signal in the brain could one day lead to faster brain--computer interfaces
Read article: Neuromodulation helps paralysed man take independent steps Neural engineering Research update Neuromodulation helps paralysed man take independent steps Spinal cord stimulation and physical therapy enables independent stepping after paralysing injury
Read article: fMRI reveals finger motion encoding in the brain Neural engineering Research update fMRI reveals finger motion encoding in the brain Functional MRI reveals how finger movement corresponds to sensory and motor regions of the brain
Read article: Simulations improve MEG spatial resolution Neural engineering Research update Simulations improve MEG spatial resolution Improved beamforming and 3D printed headcasts increase the spatial resolution of magnetoencephalography