Read article: Oxygen isotopes boost neutron scattering Structure and dynamics Research update Oxygen isotopes boost neutron scattering Technique could unravel mysteries of water and glass
Read article: Slippery surface inspired by pitcher plant Surfaces and interfaces Research update Slippery surface inspired by pitcher plant Defect-free coating could lead to efficient pipes in the chemical industry
Read article: Ferrofluid pump has no moving parts Structure and dynamics Research update Ferrofluid pump has no moving parts Device could be used in everything from microfluidics to large-scale mechanical devices
Read article: Neutrons for the future at the Institut Laue-Langevin Low-temperature physics Interview Neutrons for the future at the Institut Laue-Langevin Andrew Harrison talks about how the Grenoble lab hopes to maintain its world-class position
Read article: ‘Tug-of-war’ prompts chemical reaction Structure and dynamics Research update ‘Tug-of-war’ prompts chemical reaction No-go reaction is driven by mechanical force
Read article: Flowing gas helps nanobubbles stick around Soft matter and liquids Research update Flowing gas helps nanobubbles stick around Tiny bubbles on wet surfaces stabilized through dynamic equilibrium
Read article: Bacterial nanowires conduct like metals Transport properties Research update Bacterial nanowires conduct like metals Micro-organisms could be used to make electronic devices
Read article: Cloak could hide ships from flowing water Soft matter and liquids Research update Cloak could hide ships from flowing water Design could lead to more efficient vessels
Read article: Nanoparticles play at being red blood cells Soft matter and liquids Research update Nanoparticles play at being red blood cells Stealth particles deliver anti-cancer drugs
Read article: ‘Plasmon ruler’ measures tiny distances in 3D Soft matter and liquids Research update ‘Plasmon ruler’ measures tiny distances in 3D New device could study soft matter on the nanoscale
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