Read article: Twisted fibres capture more water from fog Devices and structures Research update Twisted fibres capture more water from fog New finding could allow more fresh water to be harvested from the air
Read article: Solar-driven atmospheric water extractor provides continuous freshwater output Water Research update Solar-driven atmospheric water extractor provides continuous freshwater output Standalone device harvests water out of air without requiring maintenance, solely using sunlight
Read article: Waffle-shaped solar evaporator delivers durable desalination Water Research update Waffle-shaped solar evaporator delivers durable desalination A novel solar distiller design prevents salt crystallization to provide cost-effective and durable water purification
Read article: Spiky magnetic fluid accelerates solar-driven water purification Materials Research update Spiky magnetic fluid accelerates solar-driven water purification Reconfigurable nanostructured fluid achieves efficient water evaporation
Read article: Water harvesting gel works at low humidity levels Materials for energy Research update Water harvesting gel works at low humidity levels Material is low cost and easy to make, say researchers
Read article: Solar-powered water purifier is inspired by pufferfish Polymers Research update Solar-powered water purifier is inspired by pufferfish Passive device could deliver clean water to communities worldwide
Read article: Nanoparticle sensors detect arsenic in drinking water Nanomaterials Research update Nanoparticle sensors detect arsenic in drinking water A low-cost sensor based on gold nanoparticles changes colour when exposed to arsenic-contaminated water
Read article: Jakarta’s rivers send 2000 tonnes of plastic into ocean each year Pollution Research update Jakarta’s rivers send 2000 tonnes of plastic into ocean each year Study of discharge rates could help clean-up efforts
Read article: Oceans could have reached carbon threshold Climate Research update Oceans could have reached carbon threshold Man-made emissions may be enough to tip planet into sixth mass extinction
Read article: How vulnerable is China’s water? Water Research update How vulnerable is China’s water? Researchers map freshwater supplies and resilience