Read article: Quantum anomalous Hall insulator carries current in its interior, not just its edges Topological matter Research update Quantum anomalous Hall insulator carries current in its interior, not just its edges Unexpected electron transport behaviour shows how much we don’t know about topological materials, say physicists
Read article: Applied magnetic field flips a material’s thermal expansion Magnetism and spin Research update Applied magnetic field flips a material’s thermal expansion New technique could be an alternative to chemical substitution for regulating the expansion of magnetic materials
Read article: Polar bear fur inspires solar-thermal textiles Advanced materials Research update Polar bear fur inspires solar-thermal textiles New fabric is 30% lighter in weight than cotton and keeps wearers warmer at colder temperatures
Read article: Sound waves break light transmission reciprocity Optical physics Research update Sound waves break light transmission reciprocity New technique could advance optical communications that encode information in the orbital angular momentum of light
Read article: Sugar offers a sweet solution for patterning curvy microelectronics Advanced materials Research update Sugar offers a sweet solution for patterning curvy microelectronics Embedding tiny patterns in chunks of sugar avoids use of harmful chemicals
Read article: 4D-printed material responds to environmental stimuli Advanced materials Research update 4D-printed material responds to environmental stimuli 3D-printed structures with properties that change over time could have applications in robotics and sensing
Read article: Meta-atoms act like road signs for light waves Advanced materials Research update Meta-atoms act like road signs for light waves Nonlinear dielectric nanostructures could control the flow of light in next-generation devices for information processing and communications
Read article: Clathrate superhydride makes new high-temperature superconductor Superconductivity Research update Clathrate superhydride makes new high-temperature superconductor The material is superconducting at temperatures of 215 K and pressures of 172 GPa
Read article: Loopy currents appear in a kagome superlattice Advanced materials Research update Loopy currents appear in a kagome superlattice Researchers identify signature of a new electronic phase in a correlated kagome superconductor
Read article: Artificial material mimics tooth enamel, but is tougher Advanced materials Research update Artificial material mimics tooth enamel, but is tougher Material can be manufactured in bulk