Read article: Luminescent nanoparticles identify defects in electrical appliances Nanomaterials Research update Luminescent nanoparticles identify defects in electrical appliances New technique could help extend the operating life of electronic devices
Read article: ‘Talking’ quantum dots could be used as qubits Quantum Research update ‘Talking’ quantum dots could be used as qubits Computer model simulates how interactions extend exciton lifetimes
Read article: Exploring the hidden world behind electronic devices Optics and photonics Interview Exploring the hidden world behind electronic devices Elham Fadaly has won an award for her work on semiconductor crystal growth mechanisms, which helped to create a silicon-based light emitter
Read article: Atomic-scale gyroscope uses diamond defects Instrumentation and measurement Research update Atomic-scale gyroscope uses diamond defects Rotation is detected by observing nuclear spins
Read article: Irregularly shaped Moon dust creates complex scattering effects Nanomaterials Research update Irregularly shaped Moon dust creates complex scattering effects Tomography technique measures the shape of lunar soil particles in rich detail
Read article: Graphene oxide fibres fuse and fissure Nanomaterials Research update Graphene oxide fibres fuse and fissure Bio-inspired method could have applications in medical devices, robotics and smart textiles
Read article: Materials absorb huge impacts by forcing water through nanopores Nanomaterials Research update Materials absorb huge impacts by forcing water through nanopores Better body armour could be made from new shock absorbers
Read article: ‘Crystal critters’ self-eject from salty solution Nanomaterials Research update ‘Crystal critters’ self-eject from salty solution Newly observed phenomenon might be harnessed to prevent mineral fouling in water pipes
Read article: Collaboration has mission to build UK’s first commercial quantum computer Quantum computing Analysis SPONSORED Collaboration has mission to build UK’s first commercial quantum computer Oxford Instruments NanoScience is partnering in a three-year project to create and develop the UK's first quantum computer capable of running end-user applications in the cloud
Read article: Disorder enhances transport in 1D systems, calculations reveal Transport properties Research update Disorder enhances transport in 1D systems, calculations reveal Effect could be exploited to boost conductivity in nanowires
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