Read article: New ‘flexoelectret’ material could create high voltages when bent Polymers Research update New ‘flexoelectret’ material could create high voltages when bent Silicone-based material could be used in wearable electronics
Read article: Negative order appears in liquid crystals Polymers Research update Negative order appears in liquid crystals New result could help in the development of artificial muscles for soft robotics
Read article: Shear forces help make stretchable hydrogel Polymers Research update Shear forces help make stretchable hydrogel Surprising new behaviour is similar to that in dissipative, far-from-equilibrium, biological systems capable of self-healing
Read article: Bio-based monomers help upcycle plastic bottles Polymers Research update Bio-based monomers help upcycle plastic bottles New technique could help with the serious problem of ever-increasing amounts of plastic waste
Read article: Broken shoes and tyres could be history thanks to new materials that repair themselves Polymers Research update Broken shoes and tyres could be history thanks to new materials that repair themselves Novel elastomer that rapidly self-heals can be quickly printed in 3D
Read article: Hydrogel material flexes its muscles Materials Research update Hydrogel material flexes its muscles Material that increases in strength in response to mechanical stress could be used to make fatigue-free structures for a host of industrial applications
Read article: Resonance photorheology technique sheds more light on 3D polymerization Polymers Research update Resonance photorheology technique sheds more light on 3D polymerization New technique could help improve additive manufacturing
Read article: DNA molecules help make reconfiguring ‘colloidomers’ Polymers Research update DNA molecules help make reconfiguring ‘colloidomers’ Freely jointed systems could make responsive materials such as “soft diamond” that continuously rearrange themselves into new structures
Read article: Polymer nanofibre could help improve solar cells Polymers Research update Polymer nanofibre could help improve solar cells New material transports excitons over length scales comparable to the optical absorption depth
Read article: Chameleon-inspired polymers behave like skin Polymers Research update Chameleon-inspired polymers behave like skin New biocompatible material that stiffens when it is stretched and changes colour in the process might be used to make better medical implants