Read article: New on-chip laser fills long sought-after green gap Lasers Research update New on-chip laser fills long sought-after green gap Devices will be important for applications in quantum sensing and computing, biology, underwater communications and display technologies
Read article: New titanium:sapphire laser is tiny, low-cost and tuneable Lasers Research update New titanium:sapphire laser is tiny, low-cost and tuneable Energy efficient and integrated device is pumped by an LED
Read article: Laser-driven accelerator benefits from clever use of light pulses Accelerators and detectors Research update Laser-driven accelerator benefits from clever use of light pulses Protons were driven to 150 MeV, 50% higher than previous record
Read article: Laser light makes a material magnetic Magnetism and spin Research update Laser light makes a material magnetic Researchers demonstrate a new way to induce a relatively large magnetic moment in room-temperature materials
Read article: Could lasers synthesize heavy elements produced in neutron-star mergers? Lasers Research update Could lasers synthesize heavy elements produced in neutron-star mergers? For the moment, the answer is "no", but a new study suggests next-generation neutron sources could do the job
Read article: Soap bubbles transform into lasers Lasers Research update Soap bubbles transform into lasers Laser wavelengths depend on bubble's size, paving the way for bubble-laser-based sensors of pressure or ambient electric field
Read article: Dark solitons spotted in ring semiconductor lasers Lasers Research update Dark solitons spotted in ring semiconductor lasers Discovery could boost molecular spectroscopy and integrated optoelectronics
Read article: Ultrafast laser-based electron beam could help explore radiobiology of the FLASH effect Radiotherapy Research update Ultrafast laser-based electron beam could help explore radiobiology of the FLASH effect A femtosecond infrared laser tightly focused in ambient air generates a high-dose-rate MeV electron beam
Read article: Frequency comb identifies molecules every 20 nanoseconds Lasers Research update Frequency comb identifies molecules every 20 nanoseconds New laser-based system can resolve processes occurring on the nanosecond timescale
Read article: All-electric organic laser is a first Lasers Research update All-electric organic laser is a first New device does not need a separate light source to work, unlike existing versions
Optics & Photonics Briefing This issue explores lasers and detectors, solar power, medical imaging and high-resolution displays