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Physics World Instrumentation & Vacuum Briefing 2024

Physics World Instrumentation & Vacuum Briefing 2024

Across the globe researchers rely on innovative instrumentation to ensure that their measurements are accurate and reproducible. In this free-to-read briefing we talk to Lily Ellis-Gibbings who is a higher scientist at the UK’s National Physical Laboratory (NPL) where she develops cutting-edge ion sources. We visit the UK’s Diamond Light Source and discover how it is being used to study the crystalline properties of soft materials to gain a better understanding of foods such as chocolate. We also learn about superfluid helium, a quantum material that has several bizarre properties that set it apart from all other liquids. It is ideal for cryogenics and has been used to cool particle accelerators, space telescopes and fusion reactors. Elsewhere in this briefing we look at the latest developments in neutron science, magnetometry, microscopy, spectroscopy, accelerators and detectors, and vacuum and cryogenics.

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