Read article: Photon shape could be used to encode quantum information Ultrafast science Research update Photon shape could be used to encode quantum information New technique may allow transmission of secure data
Read article: Frequency comb helps kill dangerous bacteria Lasers Research update Frequency comb helps kill dangerous bacteria Spectroscopy technique monitors decontamination
Read article: Frequency combs to join the hunt for exoplanets Ultrafast science Research update Frequency combs to join the hunt for exoplanets Method could help find Earth-sized bodies
Read article: Cloak-on-a-chip unveiled Transport properties Research update Cloak-on-a-chip unveiled New microcloak array could be used as a biosensor
Read article: Frequency comb takes a measure of distance Metrology Research update Frequency comb takes a measure of distance New interferometry technique uses "thousands of lasers"
Read article: Single laser makes many colours Semiconductors and electronics Research update Single laser makes many colours New design is based on quantum dots
Read article: ‘Superradiant’ laser created for first time Ultracold matter Research update ‘Superradiant’ laser created for first time Breakthrough could boost performance of optical and atomic clocks
Read article: ‘Nanorefrigerator’ is cooled using sunlight Structure and dynamics Research update ‘Nanorefrigerator’ is cooled using sunlight Quantum dots get electrons hopping
Read article: Physicists look round corners in 3D Lasers Research update Physicists look round corners in 3D Laser pulses reconstruct image of hidden artist's mannequin
Read article: Raman technique peers into cabin baggage Ultrafast science Research update Raman technique peers into cabin baggage New scanner could ease airport liquids ban