Read article: Photoexcited electrons from fullerene help create high-speed switch Devices and structures Research update Photoexcited electrons from fullerene help create high-speed switch Quantum "turnout" device has a switching speed four to five orders of magnitude faster than that of current solid-state transistors
Read article: Laser interferometry moves closer to shot-noise-limited measurements Quantum optics Research update Laser interferometry moves closer to shot-noise-limited measurements By reducing the contribution of other noises, researchers have achieved a record displacement sensitivity in laser interferometry
Read article: Revived photon entanglement could enhance quantum communication and imaging Quantum optics Research update Revived photon entanglement could enhance quantum communication and imaging Angular-position basis allows usable entanglement to endure over longer distances
Read article: How indistinguishable are indistinguishable photons? New optical interferometer puts a number on it Quantum optics Research update How indistinguishable are indistinguishable photons? New optical interferometer puts a number on it Measurements could help advance light-based quantum computers
Read article: Multiple mirrors illuminate atom interferometry Instrumentation and measurement Research update Multiple mirrors illuminate atom interferometry New light-field imaging technique might be deployed in the MAGIS-100 dark matter detection experiment when it comes online
Read article: Compact source produces 10 million single photons per second Quantum optics Research update Compact source produces 10 million single photons per second Efficiency advancements in this room-temperature source should help realize real-world quantum encryption, say researchers
Read article: Microcavity could make a platform for quantum sensing Quantum optics Research update Microcavity could make a platform for quantum sensing New work shows that the dynamical instabilities of a system can be exploited as a resource
Read article: Photons stay entangled despite huge jump in frequency Quantum optics Research update Photons stay entangled despite huge jump in frequency New technique preserves quantum correlations between two photons even when the frequency of one is increased by 125 terahertz
Read article: Simple superconducting circuit emits multiple photons Superconductivity Research update Simple superconducting circuit emits multiple photons Chip-based device could useful as a quantum technology
Read article: Ask me anything: Maksym Sich – ‘The quantum-technology sector is very new and there’s a lot to be discovered, in terms of science and business’ Quantum optics Interview Ask me anything: Maksym Sich – ‘The quantum-technology sector is very new and there’s a lot to be discovered, in terms of science and business’ Maksym Sich is co-founder and chief executive of Aegiq, a quantum-photonics spin-out company